The Analysis of the Physical-Spatial Expansion of the Metropolis of Mashhad and its Increase of Earthquake Vulnerability

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 MSc of Geography and Urban Planning, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

2 MSc of Geography and Land Use Planning, Tehran University (Farabi Campus), Qom, Iran

3 MSc of Management in Urban Affairs, Tehran University (Farabi Campus), Qom, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Tehran University (Farabi Campus), Qom, Iran


Earthquake is one of the natural phenomena in the earth's crust, which will bring losses and financial losses in case of occurring in a densely populated area. Mashhad, Iran’s second major metropolis has sporadically physical development in different dimensions. In this study, the effect of spatial development of the city of Mashhad has been investigated in increasing vulnerability to earthquake. the research method in this paper is analytical - descriptive and benefiting the Shannon and Holdern entropy models to analyze the way of physical-spatial expansion - of the city. The research objectives were to determine the physical expansion status of the city of Mashhad in recent years, the relationship between population growth and the physical expansion status of the city of Mashhad related to the vulnerability caused by earthquake. The results of the Shannon entropy model show that the pattern of expansion of the city is horizontal and distributed, and according to Holdern model, in Mashhad city expansion, 82 percent is caused by population growth and 18 percent of the city growth is caused by the horizontal growth of the city. This inconsistent and unprincipled growth of Mashhad, especially in recent decades and constructing in the space of faults shows that in the event of occurring an earthquake in Mashhad, unprecedented losses and damage would be imposed to the city; so, the most important factor in increasing the vulnerability of Mashhad in earthquake can be horizontal and plan less expansion of the city.


Main Subjects

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