A comparative study of urban Liveliness and Vitality of citizens in new and old neighborhoods of Zahedan city (Selected neighborhoods of district one and four)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 M.A Student in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Sistan and Baluchestan , Zahedan, Iran.

2 Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Sistan and Baluchestan , Zahedan, Iran

3 Ph. D candidate in Geograhy and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: Nowadays, provision of vitality, happiness, social vitality and urban Liveliness has become one of the main concerns of urban management systems, especially in developed countries. Ensuring urban Liveliness as a legitimate goal is seen at the top of many official urban planning documents, which itself arises from the importance of the Liveliness and Vitality of citizens of the city of Tawaman as a goal and a means. Therefore, the aim of the present research is to compare the urban Liveliness and Vitality of citizens of the citizens between the new and old neighborhoods (the selected neighborhoods of the district one includes: Zhanbazan and Camp and Danesh neighborhoods and the selected neighborhoods of the district foor including: Pahlavani, Muradqoli, Karimabad neighborhoods) of the city. is an ascetic
Data and Method: The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The statistical population of the research is 212717 citizens of the selected localities of districts one and four of Zahedan city, and using the Cochran formula, the sample size was calculated as 383 persons. In order to collect data, sampling was done in a multi-stage cluster method, where the samples were selected in a simple random manner within the selected clusters. Independent t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, and Spearman's correlation were used for analysis, and ArcGIS was used to draw maps. A five-level Likert scale was used to measure each of the variables in the questionnaire.
Results: Based on the obtained results, the independent t-test for vitality indicators shows that the Vitality of citizens index in the selected localities of district one has an average of 3.05 and in the selected localities of district four with an average of 2.72, the economic vitality index in the selected localities of district one is 3.11 and in the district Four is 2.78, the physical vitality index in the selected localities of district one is 3.12 and district four is 2.28, the environmental vitality index is 2.85 in selected localities of district one and 2.31 in district four. In the indicators of Vitality of citizens, the index of emotional vitality in selected neighborhoods of district one with an average of 2.53 and in district four of 3.49, the index of cognitive vitality in selected neighborhoods of district one with an average of 2.63 and in district four of 3.0, the index of Vitality of citizens in selected neighborhoods of district one is 2.56 and in district four was 3.22.
Conclusion: The results of this research are such that there is a significant difference among the selected localities of districts one and four of Zahedan city in terms of indicators of urban vitality and vitality of citizens. In this way, the indicators of vitality in the neighborhoods of region one has a better situation compared to the neighborhoods of region four, but on the contrary, the indicators of vitality in the neighborhoods of region four have a better situation than those of region one.


Main Subjects

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