Guide for Authors

Instructions for Authors

Required files to be uploaded: Five essential files must be submitted through the manuscript submission system: 1. The main file of the manuscript (without the names of the authors). The manuscript should be prepared based on the template. 2. Title page in the mentioned format, 3. Authorship form (must include the title of the article and the name and surname of all authors and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the article file), and 5. Cover letter.

Article compilation guide (Article Structure and Content Regulation Style Sheet)

Note 1. 

Authors can download the journal template file, enter their article content in the template, and submit their completed article to the journal.

Click here for the template (note that two versions of this file are set up: one with the author's name and one with the unnamed authors. Upload both files to the dedicated file upload site ).

To get a sample PDF file you can also download the article from the last issue of the journal and follow their pattern.

Click here for a sample of the English Abstract file type (attach this file as additional files).

Additional Type Files (Extended Persian and English Abstracts: You do not need to submit these two files when you first submit an article to the journal. When you are asked to publish the final file, you will need to upload these two files along with the two files above Submit): Click here for a detailed Persian abstract. Click here for an extended English abstract.

Note 2:

To facilitate the submission and submission of an article to the Scientific Journal of Urban Social Geography, observe the following principles in their writing:

2. Articles should be prepared in Farsi with the English abstract and keywords as per the guidelines in the template file above and sent for review to the journal's website.

The type of articles a journal receives is purely scientific research (fundamental or applied). In some cases, a strong review of leading experts is also accepted by the editorial board and reviewers of scientific articles.

2. Submitted articles should be in the area of ​​the journal (urban social geography) and identified topics (see the menu of journal topics). Articles outside this area will not be affected.

2. The corresponding author, after registering on the journal's site (, should upload the manuscript with the name of the author(s) and an unnamed copy of the author(s) solely in the file format. Word2013,  along with their PDF file, can be downloaded from the journal's website.

2. The author/authors must be required not to submit the paper to the journal until the final result has been published by the referees in any domestic, foreign, national, or international conference.

2. Given the confidentiality of the arbitration and the identity of the author/authors and respected reviewers for each other, note in the anonymous Word and PDF file, no trace of the author's name in all sections of the article (including forms, and tables). And not even in the file specification).

Article structure should be arranged as follows: Article title - Persian abstract - Persian keywords - Introduction - Theoretical background - Practical background - Data and methodology - Research area - Findings - Results - Suggestions (if applicable), Appreciation (if necessary), and resources.

The text should be free of typographical and spelling errors.

9- Details of how to write and configure the article are provided in the template file above. Before deciding to submit an article, please carefully arrange the contents of your article file. Failure to comply with the essay writing format will lengthen the process of reviewing your essay.


Article Submission Terms and Conditions:

1. Any responsible author can only wait for a maximum of two articles at least one year in this journal. Post and publish faculty members in each of their academic disciplines (instructor and assistant professor of 2 articles, associate professor and professor of all 3 articles) as the corresponding author (at least one-year intervals). Each responsible author can publish up to four articles in all of his or her scientific rankings.

2. In the opinion of the editorial staff of each responsible author, in addition to his or her original articles (as referred to in paragraph 1), he may only publish in one other article as an irresponsible author.

3. All responsible authors may not submit more than two articles simultaneously to the journal. Submission of subsequent articles is only possible if the previous paper / two-article assignment is available (if both articles are accepted at close distance, they will be published and published at one-year intervals).

4- The responsible author is someone who registers the site by official email (for faculty members, valid academic email). Therefore, honorable students who submit an article and their tutor as the responsible author should be aware that the article must either be submitted by the relevant professor or the professor has registered with the system to be able to register as the author of the article.

5. Submission and follow-up of the article to the journal is solely via the journal's website (

6. Articles submitted to the journal should be in line with one of the geographical axes of the city / s. Articles outside of these axes are not considered.

7. Respected authors, please do not submit articles based on AHP, SWOT, and old-fashioned models to this journal. Such articles will not be subject to review. The emphasis of the journal is to use more accurate models and techniques based on the latest achievements and theoretical foundations used by researchers worldwide. These is models that justify and explain the spatial distribution of social events and the relationships between them in cities.

8. Dear authors, I urge you to refrain from submitting articles whose information has been collected through unreliable and reliable questionnaires.