Aims and Scope

The journal of Urban Social Geography (USG) is one of the leading Iranian geographical scientific journals published by the Department of Geography, within the Faculty of Humanities at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran.

The journal aims to publish scientific articles in the field of Urban Social Geography including but not limited to the following:

  • Crimes, Unrests, and Violence of Urban Ecological
  • Urban Social Ecology and its Infrastructures
  • Evident and Hidden Layers of Urban Ecology
  • Equivalences of Urban Ecological
  • Inequalities of Urban Social & Spatial-Physical
  • Typology of Urban Ecological Developed & Undeveloped
  • Ecological Effects and Results of Urban Environmental Determinism
  • Ecological effects of urban Irregular Growth and Sprawl
  • Pathology of Racial and Social Discrimination of Urban Textures
  • Delinquency, Vandalism, and Hedenopolis of Urban
  • Urban Poverty & Beggary
  • Urban Diseases & Sickness
  • Suburban, Marginal, Slumming and Unofficial Urban Settlement
  • Urban Ghettos, Social Separation, and Urban Quality of Life
  • Losing Identity, Semi-Identity, and Urban Without Identity
  • Ecological Separation of Oil-Rich Cities of Iran
  • Adaptive Ecology of Cities and Pathology of Urban Social Inertial - Areas
  • Ecological Construction of Islamic Cities and Other Ideologies
  • Forecasting the Ecological Structure of Future Islamic Cities
  • Social Improvement and Social Prosperity of Urban
  • Good Governance and Urban Security
  • Modern Social Processes of Urban during the time
  • Social and Ecological Systems in the Process of Time (Population, Technology, and Social Conditions, ...)
  • Behaviorism, Socialization, and Urban Disobedience
  • Social Movements, Immigration and influx (Optional and Compulsory), Ecological Replacement and Displacement of Urban Classes
  • Quality of Life, Social Housing, and the Choice of Urban Neighborhoods
  • Ecological Sequences of Urban Social Areas
  • Urbanism and Urbanization Culture
  • Displacement of Work Urban Centers
  • Urban Separation

In all fields, the location of study must be selected as the city or cities of the world. Articles outside of these axes and fields can not be verified.

Review - scientific articles are published, i.e. first publication of original scientific results and review on a specific topic by established researchers in that scientific field.

The journal of Urban Social Geography (USG) is an open-access semiannual journal. There is the possibility for an arrangement of the thematic issue in the journal, e.g., like Special Issue consisting of the collection of research papers presented at international conferences, meetings, or workshops.