The cause’s explanation of Hot-spot crimes formation in worn tissues based on the theory of deviant place in the 12th area of Tehran metropolitan

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Sayyed Jamaleddin Asadabadi University, Asadabad, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, , Iran.

3 PhD Geography & Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


Introduction: The 12 District population is equivalent to 17.5 percent of the Tehran population total and covers 2.7 percent of the Tehran area total; However, 32.9 percent of Tehran's crimes was committed in 12 District. The purpose of the present research is causes explanation of Hot-spot crimes formation in Tehran Metropolitan 12 District based on location deviation theory components (poverty, worn texture, density, and land use and population fluidity).
Data and Method: This article is an applied and descriptive-analytic one. Graphical statistical models have been used to spatial patterns identification of crime distribution in the city. For the data analysis, has used graphic-based statistical methods in GIS and T-statistics and Arc / GIS and SPSS software.
Results: Crime concentration has happened in the Arg Pamenar, Ferdowsi-Laleh Zar, Baharestani Saadi, Mokhtari Takhty, Jaleh Absardar Qayyam, Kowsar, Gushesh Shoosh and Siruszones. The crimes percentage highest occurred in worn out blocks of 60-40 percent, 80-60 percent, 100-80 percent. The crime rates highest were in commercial use (55 percent of total crimes), residential (21.07 percent), services (9.22 percent), industrial and workshop (6.96 percent). The population fluidity of the night (240 thousand people) and the day (2 million people) has caused the phenomenon of night-life and urban crime.
Conclusion: Based on the one-sample t-test, the significance value of the research components is less than 0.05. The inadequacy of the components of poverty, burnout, density, land use and population fluidity (less than 3) has been confirmed due to the negative t-statistics, high and low limits and low average in region 12.


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