Review and Analysis of Ancient Civilizations Using by RS-GIS (Case Study: Achaemenian Sites in Marvdasht)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 M.A in Archeology, Islamic Azad University of Kazeroon, Iran

2 Assistant professor of geomorphology, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 MSc Graduated in Remote Sensing and GIS, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran



Today, using scientific and conceptual frameworks of a field in another field is not deemed as interdisciplinary mixture. But when you cannot seek some subjects in a field, using other fields will help to reveal the subject. By this attitude in this study it was attempted to survey on the lodgment in the mentioned sites by the past human population in Iran considering the fundamentals of the theories which are used in geographical sciences (geomorphology) toward lodgment of population centers and ancient civilizations in Iran. In order to attain this aim, document studies in archaeology science area and new theories in geography science (following to morphology of earth in lodgment of past civilizations) were accompanied with field deductions. Then by using technics, GIS/RS software’s through combination of spectral bands, visual interpretation, revelation of 5,7 and 13 bands images of ETM+8 Landsat & overlapping vector and raster layers, 3D model in positional analyses in these sites were begun. The results show though archaeologists stated their independent opinions on choosing sites of human centers which is valuable by itself but in fact some of matters like knowing earth forms or positional identity which is prone to concentration have not been clarified. Therefore, preparing these centers as Iran`s civil and ancient identities or any kind of management in these sites are challenging. Revealing the history of these sites which is considered in this study can be efficient in management and consistent planning for keeping past heritage.


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