Evaluation of city form based on compact city approach in 22 districts of Tehran

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Master's student in urban planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Art University Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning , College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran



Objective: Compact city is a sustainable urban form. The main goal of this idea is to create cities with high density but far from the problems in the modernist city. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the city form based on the compact city approach in 22 districts of Tehran.
Materials and Methods: Eight indicators of mix and variety of uses, density of residential buildings, percentage of rehabilitation and renovation of urban decay, population density, street density, subway coverage, bus coverage, bicycle paths have been used. The research method is applied research and the findings obtained from the network analysis in ArcGis and Shannon entropy were obtained and then Merec method was used for weighting the parameters and Cocoso method was used for ranking the options which were the same areas of Tehran.
Results: In order to rank the regions of Tehran in terms of compact urban form, at first, data related to each measure was collected for 22 regions And then the score of each measure was converted into a standard score. Finally, the areas of Tehran city were divided into five groups according to the level of compact urban form parameters.
Conclusion: The results show that each of the regions has different criteria of 8 parameters of compact urban form, that region 6 with k=2.154 has the highest priority and region 19 with k=1.333 has the lowest priority and potential for compact urban form. And other regions are also ranked according to the final score.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 04 June 2024
  • Receive Date: 17 January 2024
  • Revise Date: 23 April 2024
  • Accept Date: 04 June 2024