Evaluating the role of the image of the destination on the loyalty of Zanjan tourists with a data mining approach

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Master Student of Geography and Tourism Planning, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 Assistant Prof, Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

3 Master Student of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Humanity Sciences,, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

4 4- Associate Prof, Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanity Sciences, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


Introduction: Knowing what the loyalty of tourists in tourist destinations depends on and how it is formed has become a principle for managers of companies and tourist destinations. A tourist destination, like any organization, must identify, attract and retain its target market. Creating any transformation and standardization of tourism services in Zanjan city requires knowing tourism capacities, conducting comparative studies, knowing the experiences of other successful countries in the world and localizing these experiences. Zanjan city has not been able to attract tourists like many of them, despite having significant tourist attractions in comparison with the cities of neighboring provinces.
Data and Method: The type of research is applied and descriptive-analytical in nature. The statistical population of this research includes tourists with at least one night stay in three and four star hotels in Zanjan city, and 281 tourists were investigated using Cochran's formula. The method of collecting information is library and field.
Results: The results of the research show that in the final analysis of the factor analysis of the image of the destination, it has the greatest to the least effect on the novelty of the trip, the cost of the trip, the financial cost, and the number of trips, respectively, with the factor load values of 0.481, 0.354, and 0.301. and has 0.247 on the loyalty of tourists.
Conclusion: Zanjan province is in its initial stages in terms of life cycle in the field of tourism and the sensitivity of the issue is due to the fact that this percentage can act as ambassadors who give information to others about this destination and a kind of free word-of-mouth advertising. They will do for Zanjan and depending on the image of Zanjan formed in their minds, these advertisements can be positive or negative.


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