Analysis of executive priorities in the realization of the model of neo-urbanism in the prominent neighborhoods of Isfahan city

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 PhD Student, Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: Today, urban development following the classical model of urban development has led to unstable conditions in cities and urban neighborhoods. Therefore, in recent years, the neo-urbanism movement has been formed as a new approach to urban design and planning in criticism of contemporary urban development, which has a scattered, non-human and machine-like pattern.
Data and Method: The main purpose of this research was to identify implementation priorities in order to realize the model of neo-urbanism in the prominent neighborhoods of Isfahan city (Sanbalistan, Jolfa, Khane Isfahan and Sepahan Shahr). Therefore, the method of this descriptive-analytical research was chosen. At first, a list of primary factors that play a role in urbanism were identified as research variables. In the next step, using the mutual effects analysis method and Micmac software, the degree of influence of primary factors on each other was evaluated in the form of experts' questionnaire. Finally, by using the two-dimensional analysis method and combining the impact scores and average scores, implementation priorities were determined.
Results: The findings of the research showed that in Sanbalistan neighborhood, eleven agents, Jolfa neighborhood, eleven agents, Khaneh Isfahan neighborhood, eight agents, and finally, in Sepahan Shahr neighborhood, twelve agents have executive priority to realize the new urbanism model. Among the important factors and indicators of new urbanism in the neighborhoods, we can mention suitable urban furniture at the neighborhood level, a sense of vitality and vitality in the neighborhood, regular welfare programs for the well-being and vitality of the residents, security and safety at night in some remote places, quality Special pedestrian routes are indicated.
Conclusion: Today, it is inevitable to rely on new patterns of urban planning in the planning and development of urban neighborhoods. The issue that is necessary for managers and urban planners is that each neighborhood has different characteristics and indicators and factors should be localized in each neighborhood and studied specifically. However, based on the results of the research, five factors include suitable urban furniture at the neighborhood level, a sense of vitality and vitality in the neighborhood, regular welfare programs for the well-being and vitality of the residents, security and safety at night in some remote places, the quality of special routes for pedestrians. Walking is a common priority among all the studied neighborhoods.


Main Subjects

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