Strategic evaluation and analysis of improving the level of loyalty in tourism destinations (Case: Study: Yazd city)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Assistant professor of geography and rural planning, geography department, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.

3 M.A of geography and urban planning, geography department, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.


Introduction: Loyalty of a tourist to a specific destination is a key issue in urban tourism management. A high level of loyalty in a destination can have positive consequences for the development of tourism in that region. One of the important topics in this field is the strategic measurement and analysis of the level of tourism loyalty in different dimensions and components and providing strategies to improve it. In the meantime, measuring the goals, capabilities of cities, and the opportunities and challenges ahead in the field of tourism loyalty and knowing the competitors of the destination are taken into account for the strategic analysis of tourism loyalty. As one of the urban tourism destinations of Iran, the city of Yazd attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists every year with its many tourist spaces and products. the main goal of the research is to provide strategies for the development of the loyalty level of Yazd city through the recognition and evaluation of the objectives, capabilities, opportunities, challenges and competitors of the city's tourism and evaluating its strategic suitability.
Data and Method: the current research is applied in terms of its purpose and descriptive of the survey type based on its nature and method. The required data is prepared based on the library and field method. The statistical sample of the research was 30 people from the group of experts, including officials and managers of tourism, researchers and researchers, owners of tourism businesses, and a number of residents with a history of the city, which due to the limited statistical population, the whole number method was used to get samples. became. For the strategic analysis of the research, Meta-SWOT analytical model, which is an advanced SWOT model, has been used.
Results: The results showed that the most important resources and capabilities in order to improve the level of tourism loyalty in the city of Yazd include the positive effects of the globalization of the city of Yazd on improving the character of the city and its historical attractions, changing the positive mentality of tourists towards the city, understanding its scientific and historical value. And to arouse their feelings, to raise the quality of services, relative participation of citizens in social and tourism programs, acceptable tourism security and urban infrastructure and services, agency services and health tourism ConclusionThe result of the strategic analysis shows the greater homogeneity of Yazd's tourism capabilities and external factors and goals in terms of strategic fit, and the aforementioned capabilities play an important role in improving the level of loyalty at a medium level, and based on this, solutions have been presented to improve it.


Main Subjects

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