An Explanation of Neighborhood Management in Good Urban Governance (Case Study: Tabriz Metropolitan)

Document Type : Research Article (Fundamental )


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz,Tabriz, Iran


Introduction: A neighborhood is a social-spatial concept. neighborhood management methods include the three dimensions of physical quality, social arrangement, and governance manners. Concerning the third dimension, recent decades have witnessed a shift from centralized towards decentralization processes and network society.
Data and Method: The present study had a fundamental goal and used an explorative-explanatory approach. This study used a systematic and structured view to review the theoretical literature on neighborhood management and related concepts. Using, the MICMAC software, the study analyzed the extent to which factors affected and were affected by each other. In the end, driving factors were extracted. For this, 61 factors in five categories of network structure, network society policies, urban governance, governance capacity, and social capital were identified, and provided to 15 experts in the form of a 61*61 matrix, using questionnaires, and via a purposive sampling method.
Results: Results indicated that 19 driving factors contributed to investigating the neighborhood management of the urban governance of the city of Tabriz, out of which the factor “revision of the laws and urban development plans” was more important, while the factors “active adaptation to the environment”, “the non-exclusive right of special groups”, “the content of laws enacted”, “the enjoyment of the open urban culture”, “focus on the “solidarity between people to produce knowledge” took the next ranks.
Conclusion: The results were found to be used as a framework to investigate the neighborhood management position in urban governance. In this connection, urban development plans and rules, and their revision contributed to this. 


Main Subjects

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