The role of multisensory space on social identity in Kerman City's traditional market

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 PhD student of Azad University, Department of Architecture, Art and Architecture of Kerman, Islamic Azad, Kerman, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Azad University, Department of Architecture, Art and Architecture, Kerman, Islamic Azad, Kerman, Iran.

4 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: one of the human social problems in modern times is the lack of identity especially facing modern architecture. Contrary to modern architecture, the cities' traditional architecture creates a sense of "being" in the viewers. This study aims to investigate the role of the multisensory space of the Kerman traditional market as a sample of the traditional architecture in forming the identity in the process of the viewer's perception.
Data and Method:  The present study is applied and descriptive-analytical. At first, the assessable indicators are obtained by the text content analysis, and then examined in GIS software with the IDW method. The logical reasoning method is used to infer the outputs of GIS and SPSS.
Results: By comparing the multisensory spaces of the Kerman traditional market through the GIS map layouts, which show the zoning of the intensity distribution of the sensory landscapes in the traditional market, it is figured out that the weight and intensity of the sensory landscapes (environmental-perceptional components) are different from the viewers’ point of view and taste-smell landscape has the greatest intensity and vision landscape along with tactile landscape have the lowest intensity.
Conclusion:Multisensory space and multifunctional space of the Kerman traditional market results in the formation of the identity of the traditional market through sensory synergy for intensification of the environmental-perceptional components in the process of multisensory perception and on the other hand, increases the individual’s social identity in this type of architecture. This is due to the special physical-functional-social features of the Kerman traditional market and the systematic structure of this market.


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