Investigation of socially harmful factors of historical contexts (Case study: Mahmoud castle neighborhood of Kerman)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Restoration and Revival of Historical Monuments, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

2 Senior expert in urban space design - Islamic Azad University, Kerman branch, Kerman, Iran.

3 Senior expert in conservation and restoration of urban heritage - Tehran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: The fabric of historical neighborhoods in the middle of the structure of today's cities is a symbol of the city as a whole and its identity. Protecting these areas can be effective in promoting cultural diversity and fighting poverty, and bring cultural identity and quality of life to city residents. The preservation of old buildings cannot be separated from the local population that gives meaning to those historic areas. The inhabitants of historical contexts should be aware of the quality of their living conditions and encourage them to transfer their valuable identity to future generations. The new functions of contemporary cities and towns must be compatible with the old functions. Therefore, this lack of harmony between the texture of old neighborhoods and the type of social structure is one of the most important urban issues in dealing with historical textures. the existence of social problems whose origin is the way managers deal with historical contexts; It is the main subject of this research. The purpose of this research is to deal with the social damages of this part of the historical context of Kerman city, considering its connection to the living contemporary urban context.
Data and Method: The research is of a descriptive-analytical type and has been implemented using the citation method. According to the field information collected in the field of physical and social system, the problems have been categorized and analyzed in the context of the market complex around Kerman Citadel Square as the central core of the historical context.
Results: The context of Qala Mahmoud neighborhood, located in the southern part of Arg square, had non-native and immigrant inhabitants, which, unfortunately, has been abandoned due to the negligence of the authorities and of course the lack of awareness of the people, and has become one of the gathering places for drug addicts and Afghan immigrants. Also, the order of the market, which is almost inactive, is affected by this social context.
Conclusion: Finally, it was stated that physical, economic, social and cultural problems have an effect on each other and cannot be seen separately. Especially in the context of this neighborhood, where part of the neighborhood is active only during the day, and this has caused the lack of harmony between the body structure and the social system.


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