Problematic Urban Textures Planning, an Approach of Stakeholder Analysis and Social Network (Experimental example: Kholazir Jonoubi area in the 19th district of Tehran)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Aso shahr midia Consulting Engineers Managing director

2 Member of board of Aso shahr midia Consulting Engineers

3 Department of Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning ,Kordestan University, Sanandaj, Iran.

5 PhD in Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Khalazir Jonuobi is one of the problematic areas of Tehran metropolis. This area has created many problems for the surrounding areas and even the metropolis of Tehran due to the accumulation of disturbing urban jobs. The purpose of this study is to identify the main stakeholders, analyze the desire and power of stakeholders, identify the needs and desires of stakeholders and analyze the social network of stakeholders.
Data and Method: The research method in this research is a combination (qualitative and quantitative) with emphasis on qualitative method and a combination of quantitative data. Research data were collected through interviews with relevant stakeholders. Data analysis was performed using the power-matrix matrix and NodeXL software.
Results: The findings show that the : Khalazir issue has 16 main stakeholders who have different wants and needs. The research results also indicate that the municipality of District 19, the endowment of Marvi school, local people and Tehran Industries and Jobs Organization Company have the most power. Other results show that Tehran City Renovation Organization, Deputy of Urban Services and Environment of Tehran District 19 Municipality, Deputy of Urban Planning and Architecture of Tehran Municipality, Deputy of Urban Services and Environment of Tehran Municipality have the most power in the social network of stakeholders.
Conclusion: In general, The results show that all stakeholders have a desire to solve the problem. But in terms of power, the amount of power of all the stakeholders is not the same. Any actions should be started through these stakeholders.


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