Analysis of the role of environmental psychology in achieving sustainability in urban spaces (Case study: Suburban areas of Yazd)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


Faculty Member, Department of Geography, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: In urban environments, especially in city neighborhoods, factors such as broken windows, garbage on the streets, paintings on walls, abandoned buildings, and lack of street lighting, especially in the suburbs of the city, lead to the creation of an environment that promotes crime and delinquency and as a result the sense of security of the citizens is endangered.
Data and Method: The type of research is applied and its statistical population is a combination of experts including informants, specialists and experts related to urban management in marginalized areas. The sample size was considered based on simple random sampling and Morgan's table of 299 households living in the marginal areas of Yazd city. Inferential statistics (correlation coefficient, regression coefficient, multivariate analysis of variance) have been used in order to connect variables and answer the research questions.
Results: The results of the network analysis model also show that the physical indicators including the narrow width of the passages, the age of the building, the presence of ruins, the area of ​​separate parts, the compatibility of uses, the provision of the required open space with a value of 0.196 have the greatest role in increasing the threat. In the psychological components of the environment including the lack of seclusion, lack of security and safety, and lack of access to public spaces and children's play spaces.
Conclusion: In order to reduce the psychological vulnerability caused by the issues and problems of informal settlements, a settlement empowerment model has been formulated. In this model, in the first step, the issues and problems of the context related to psychology were investigated, in the second step, capacity measurement and planning were carried out, in the third step, the program was implemented to organize and reduce the psychological problems of the environment and In the fourth step, the feedback of the issues was investigated.


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