Pathology of drug transit with a socio-urban and regional approach (case study: Kerman province )

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 PhD student, Department of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: In the collection of drug transit, pathology with an urban and regional approach has the highest importance. This is probably the reason why, from the point of view of sociologists, the harms of carrying, consuming and transiting drugs have a significant impact on the development and money laundering process and the improvement of the social and cultural level of the society. Therefore, in order to measure and evaluate the harms, the ways to deal with drug transit and to evaluate the success or failure rate in reducing the harms of drugs in urban and rural areas, a realistic view is needed.
Data and Method. The current research is practical in terms of purpose and quantitative-qualitative in terms of method. In the qualitative part, information was collected by interviewing 30 experts of the anti-narcotics department in Kerman province. After determining the main indicators, the questionnaire was prepared. The statistical population of the quantitative part included all 690 experts from departments related to the fight against narcotics in Kerman province. The sample size was determined by using Morgan's table to be 274 people. Then the data was analyzed with the average method. The data test was done by spss version 25 software.
Results: It shows that there is a significant relationship between transit and socio-urban and regional harms, and drug transit has the greatest impact, in order of increasing armed robbery with a beta coefficient of 0/701, increasing drug detections with a beta coefficient of 0/652, Increase in social damage with a beta coefficient of 0/510, increase in addiction with a beta coefficient, loss of human resources (martyrs and veterans) with a beta coefficient of 0/482, increase in addiction with a beta coefficient of 0/434, increase in all types of crimes (kidnapping, murder, armed robbery) (0/444) and increased the number of prisoners in the province with a beta coefficient of 0/401.
Conclusion: The cities located on the drug transit route of Kerman province are the most damaged. Among the cities of Kerman province, the southern cities include Kohnouj, Rudbar, Qaleganj, Manujan, Jiroft, Anbarabad, Faryab, and the eastern cities of Bam, Fahraj, Regan, and Narmashir. , the loss of manpower (martyrs and veterans), the increase of addiction in the urban area.


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