The role of municipal employees in promoting public participation (Case study: municipality of region2, Shiraz City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Professor of Human Geography, Islamic Azad university of Marvdasht, Marvdasht, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: The most important task of human resources in the organization is to help better performance to achieve organizational goals, which is one of the important areas in achieving the desired performance of municipal employees, the need to pay attention to public participation. The purpose of this article is the role of municipal employees in promoting public participation in the municipality of the second district of Shiraz and their relationship with each other.
Data and Method: The present article is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The data related to the theoretical foundations of the research have been prepared in a library manner. The research tool is a questionnaire that the reliability test of the questionnaire was done through Cronbach's alpha which is equal to 0.89. The statistical population is all employees of the municipality of region two, the sample size using Cochran's formula was 153 of them. The sampling method is random. In this study, 9 indicators of the role of municipal employees in promoting public participation in the two metropolitan areas of Shiraz have been defined and using SPSS software environment and Anova test and stepwise regression have been used to analyze the data.
Results: Findings of this study show that the results-based dimension with 51% is the most important factor in employee performance that plays a role in improving public participation, followed by the quality-based dimension with 7.4%, the mental dimension with 6.8%, behavioral dimension with 2.7%, characteristic dimension with 2.1% and objective dimension of 1.1% are effective in improving public participation.
Conclusion: Therefore, in order to take the necessary measures to increase public participation in the municipality of District Two, strategies such as increasing staff awareness of citizens 'needs, gaining citizens' trust by the municipality, observing ethical principles and avoiding any game rules, measuring employee motivation, improving employee self-awareness and Improving the individual skills of employees is essential.


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