A comparative study of climate change and security challenges of water crisis in cities of Urmia lake and central Iran basins

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Political Geography, University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran

4 PhD Student of Kish International Campus of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran



Objective: The effects of climate on the water crisis and the creation of multiple challenges need to be scrutinized to raise the level of society at large. Damage can be avoided if the various dimensions are identified and how they occur.
Methodology: Using a questionnaire survey method, this study has conducted a comparative study of the security challenges of a water crisis in two cities of Urmia and Central Lake watersheds in terms of roots and causes, the geographical scale of events, nature of challenges.
Results: The mean score of respondents' perceptions in the geographical scale of events is 29.08.08 and 31.47 for the Central Urmia catchment and Lake Urmia respectively, which is local in both catchments. Regarding the nature of the challenges, the average of respondents' views for the Central catchment and Lake Urmia are 22.64 and 23.49, respectively, and the nature of the challenges is managerial, social, environmental and political. Regarding the causes of the challenges, the respondents' viewpoints for the central catchment and Lake Urmia are 40.68 and 44.33, respectively, which are human-managerial factors in the Urmia catchment and the natural causes of the challenges in the central catchment, respectively.
Conclusion: Crisis Capacity The security implications of climate crises, and especially water scarcity due to impacts on economic, social and political spheres, are not necessarily limited to the boundaries of a village or city, but beyond their geographical boundaries and on a larger scale it can be effective.


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