Spatial explanation of urban sprawl phenomenon (Case study: Qaemshahr city)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 PhD Student of Geomorphology, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

3 MSc Student of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


Objective:Sprawl is the result of rapid population growth and sprawling expansion in the periphery of the city and has a direct impact on the spatial development of cities, which has become a major challenge in the world in recent years. In the same vein, this research aims to explain the dispersed urban space and its environmental impacts in Qaemshahr
Methods: The present study aims to describe descriptive-analytic methods to explain the spatial effects of Ghaemshahr on urban areas using Landsat multistory satellite imagery. The required information was collected through library and field studies from the scope of the study. Land use was adapted from the fuzzy supervised classification based on the severity of the stress, and the geographic information system and model Holdren were used to measure the scattered forms.
Results:The results of the model Holdren indicate that the agent has the greatest impact in 22 years, the sprawl of the city with different patterns and, as a result of the growth of orchard land use by 43 percent is most predictions made based on cells automatically land area made It will reach 8833 hectares by 1402. The results of the GIS shows that sprawl space in this period forms such as linear growth pattern, individual pattern, the pattern of growth, expansion, intensification cluster pattern that adverse environmental consequences associated with.
Conclusion: Therefore, what emerges from this study is the development of spatial urban sprawl, which has devastating effects on the environment and land-friendly agricultural lands of the perimeter of the periphery and the form of space in the city. In order to achieve a sustainable urban form, the compact city growth model is proposed as the future development of Qaemshahr.


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