Spatial pattern of poverty and divorce in Ghaemshahr city

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran

2 MSc of Geography & Urban Planning, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran


Objective: Urban poverty has many adverse consequences, one of which is divorce. The purpose of this paper is to study the geographical dispersion of poverty and divorce indicators in the level of statistical blocks of ghaemshahr city and relationship of those two with each other.
Methods: The present paper is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive - analytical in terms of method. For unscaling the indicators of urban poverty and divorce index have been used in fuzzy method. Then the indices of poverty and divorce were analyzed spatially in the Arc Gis software environment with method of hot spots and Moran autocorrelation and to study the relationship between poverty and divorce has been used of multiple regression test and Pearson in the spss software environment.
Results:The results indicate that 54.9 percent of the area and 54 percent of the population of the ghaemshahr city is poor and very poor. Also, 1.14 percent of the total population, 0.64 percent of the men's population and 1.63 percent of the women's population are in a state of without spouse due to divorce. Divorced women population is 2.5 times more divorced men which concentrate more in the center and north east of the city. Based on the results of multiple regression, the indicators of person density in the room, room density in residential unit, sponsorship load, livelihood load and measure of general activity have a effective and significant role in divorce rate of ghaemshahr city.
Conclusion: Therefore, to take necessary measures to reduce the phenomenon of divorce in Ghaemshahr city, planning precisely to reduce the factors involved in poverty, which are considered the main causes of divorce, it is seems necessary.


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