Future Studies of Urban Management the Basis for Realization of Competitiveness in the Tourism (Case Study: Zahedan City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

2 M.A Candidate of Geography & Urban Planning, Sistan & Balucestan University, Zahedan, Iran


Objective: Urban unit management provides the basis for the growth of synergies and synergies in various urban structures. Considering the multidimensional nature of the tourism industry and its high dependence on the existence of urban infrastructure in providing tourists with services in planning, preserving valuable historical monuments, creating structures appropriate to urban space along with the proper access of tourists to tourism facilities, the role of urban management becomes more evident.
Methods: The present study is a descriptive-analytical and applied type. Collected information was classified and analyzed in two sections. In the first part, analyzing the theories in SPSS software, through factor analysis, the correlation of effective factors was investigated. In order to achieve competitiveness in the tourism sector of Zahedan, the strategic model SOAR was used.
Findings:The results indicate that urban management has severe fluctuations and weaknesses. Lack of coordination among decision-making and executive factors, lack of participation of people, weakness of infrastructure and the need to encourage private sector investment are among the most important factors in reducing the development trend of urban tourism in Zahedan.
Conclusion: Therefore, integrated urban management is necessary to achieve the competitiveness of urban tourism in the study area.


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