Comparative Analysis of the Relationship between Poverty and Urban Violence Using the Vikor Model (Case Study: Yazd Neighborhoods)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between poverty and the spread of various types of urban violence in the neighborhoods of the city of Yazd. According to the objectives of the research, it is a practical research and its method is descriptive- analytical. The statistical population is 43 criminals convicted in the neighborhood of the city of Yazd. Research indices included seven indicators of poverty as independent variables and 12 indicators of urban violence as dependent variables. To analyze the data and evaluate the relationship between variables of inferential statistical tests such as multivariate regression coefficient and path analysis, as well as the nearest neighbors’ index were used to rank the level of violence in Yazd city Neighborhoods. The findings show that most neighborhoods that have the highest poverty rates often have more violent hotspots. In this regard, based on the path analysis model, it was also clear that in this relationship indicators of income rate and education level are most effective and the indicator of access to services is the least effective impact. In connection with direct effect, component of literacy level has the least effect and the component of unemployment rate has the greatest effect in the increase of urban violence, and the multiple correlation coefficient with value of 0/741 confirms the relationship between the spread of poverty and increase in the level of violence and reducing the rate of the feeling of security in the Yazd neighborhood. Finally, some strategies for the elimination of poverty and reduction of urban violence in the neighborhoods of Yazd are presented.


Main Subjects

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