Investigating Influential Components in the Formation of Urban Housing Arrangements from a Typological Perspective with Emphasis on Building Concentration and the Number of Floors (Case Study: Gorgan City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Golestan University, Golestan, Iran

2 Researcher and MSc of Geography & Urban Planning, Golestan University, Golestan, Iran


The scientific, industrial and economic changes of the 18th century brought about dramatic changes in the way human settlements were made. With the increasing urbanization of the country over the past few decades, the need for housing has become one of the most important urban demographic needs. Housing as one of the real phenomena is one of the first issues that humankind has always been struggling with and always striving for change and finding a right, reasonable answer for it. Accordingly, the present study aims to investigate the housing estates of Gorgan city with the aim of studying the indices of the level of infrastructure and the number of residential floors as factors affecting the physical form of housing. In terms of research purpose, it is of an applied one and in terms of the nature and method of conduction, descriptive-analytic. A questionnaire was used to collect data and SPSS and ArcGIS software were used to analyze the data. The findings of the research show that in the level of the three regions of Gorgan, the housing is physically diverse, so that the greatest difference in housing lies in region 2 and the least difference in urban area 1, which generally result from diversity of ethnic groups living in urban neighborhoods, and the cultural, social, and economic diversity.


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