The Analysis of Housing situation in Maragheh Areas using Multi-Criteria Models

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Maragheh University, Maragheh, Iran

2 PhD. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


At the beginning of the third millennium, the long-standing problem of housing is still one of the most important ­ problems of human societies and, unfortunately, its dimensions have also become more widespread. Lack of adequate resources, weakness of economic management, lack of ­ comprehensive housing program and other inadequacies of ­infrastructure­ on the one hand, and the increasing urban population, on the other hand, has made the supplying shelter sophisticated and multidimensional in developing countries. Studying the favorable situation of housing in urban areas is one of the ­ economic - social indicators of development in the countries of the world. One way ­of informing the housing situation in the programming process ­ using ­ housing indicators. This is an applied-developmental project ­ and in terms of the method of doing research, it is descriptive-analytic. In this research, 24 quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing in 26 neighborhoods of Maragheh city extracted using data ­ and available information of the existing censuses ­ and data statistics center in the year 1390; then in analyzing data, ­ first, using the Shannon Entropy coefficient, weight of each indicator ­estimated and then calculated and ranked utilizing models of MOORA, COPRAS, and SAW and combined method. Finally, based on the results of spatial widening of ­ Maragheh neighborhoods in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing using ­the arc GIS software shows ­7.7 percent of the neighborhoods are balanced, 54/11 percent of the neighborhoods are relatively balanced, 62/34 percent of the neighborhoods are relatively unstable and 2/46 percent of the neighborhoods are unbalanced­.


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