The Study of the Spatial Distribution of Urban Land Use in Semnan

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 MSc Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


Each city is made of its total uses ­ and one of the most ­ important purposes of urban planning is upgrading and organizing the distribution pattern ­ of these uses. Being aware of the irregular user development in Semnan, this article aims to explore the spatial distribution pattern of uses. With this aim in mind, it is based on a functional approach and it has a descriptive - analytical nature the required data ­and information has been provided in the library method. For data analysis, ­the quantitative method (per capita) and ­ spatial-local analyses, including models of­ Hirschman-Herffindal, compression index, Ripley's k function, Simpson diversity index, piece index ­ fragmentation, hybrid use model of Cervero and Duncan and ­ ArcGIS software is used. Results of the beforehand procedures ­ ­ represent the distance of the existing uses of ­ the city of Semnan from the standard of the comprehensive plan. More than a quarter of the uses ­ are concentrated in district 3 of the area 1­. district 1 of area 2 has the highest density and lowest ­contribution of wasteland and district 2 of area 2 has the largest contribution of wasteland and development capabilities in ­ coming up years. K function showed that 67% of the land uses ­ of Semnan have been ­ cluster faced ­ and in the vicinity of each other. ­This distribution pattern has a significant relationship with increasing distance. Average f, h and d & c indexes also showed that district 1 of area 2 has more continuity, diversity, and mixing uses­. the domination of such an uneven pattern in land use in Semnan requires monitoring current trends, re-planning ­ and organizing constructions.


Main Subjects

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