Evaluation of Neighborhood Sustainability in Border Towns (Case Study: Neighborhoods of Piranshar City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Payame Noor, Mohabad, Iran

2 Lecturer of Urban Engineering, University of Payame Noor, oshnaviye, Iran


Sustainable urban development is an extensive and complex issue that affects the urban development and evolution, and social, environmental, and economic harms, as well as urban livelihoods, security, collaboration, form, texture and urban management. Sustainable urban development and quantitative measurement and spatial representation of urban planning are all matters of importance in urban planning. This study aims to do the spatial classifying and analyze stability and instability of neighborhoods in a border town, namely Piranshar, in terms of four indices: economic, social, environmental and institutional-physical. This research is of an applied-developmental type, and adopts a descriptive-analytical approach, based on documentary and library studies, field and survey studies, to analyze data. The population consisted of Piranshahr’s neighborhoods, of which 380 were selected randomly as the sample and the data were collected using SPSS and GIS software. The results of the study show that, in terms of sustainable development indices, three neighborhoods, namely, Azadi, Bazarchi and Zaminhay-e Shahrdari are sustainable, Azadegan, Zargatan, and Farmandari are semi-sustainable, and Saheli, Kamarbandi, Jad-e Sardasht, Bazar-e Sigaran, Kamarbandiy-e Jadid, Kohn-e Khaneh, Padash, Farhangian and Shin Abad are unsustainable. 


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