Evaluation and Analysis of Potential and Effective Tourism Strategies of Rayen Using QSPM

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistance Professor of Geography Department, Payam Noor University

2 MSc of Geography and Urban Planning, Graduate of the University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran



The city of Rayen is one of the main tourist centers in Kerman province. Despite having tourism attractions such as Arg-e Rayen, waterfall, beautiful sceneries, Hezar mountain springs, the most biggest volcano of the region, green and pink marble mines, mineral springs, holy shrines and opportunities ahead, such as the intercity transportation position and services, handicraft markets and providing local capabilities, the city is faced with some weaknesses and threats. The purpose of current research is to investigate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the city of Rayen in developing tourism industry. Research Methods is the combination of library and field studies. Using SWOT model, data's were analyzed and the strategies of tourism development were determined in four categories of WO, ST, SO and WT. In order to determine the best strategy for the development of tourism industry, quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM) was used. In order to determine weights, SWOT factors were extracted based on interview and filling out questionnaire from experts and tourists. The results of the study show that, the diversification strategy is the most suitable way for development of tourism in the region. The (ST3) strategy with median of 2.43 score was suggested as the best strategy. This strategy emphasized on advertising and informing tourists of the region potentials as well as specifying a distinctive regulation for using spaces. It also proposed the best strategy to prevent   demolition of environment.


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