Locating the Appropriate Zones to Create Tourist Walking Route in Kerman Historical Contexture Using GIS

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Ferdousi University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Ph.D Student in Geography and urban planning Ferdowsi University of Mashhad



Historical contexture  are not only valuable in terms of historical attraction , aesthetic , continuation of collective memory and identity to  cities , but also are considered as significant part of life and work area of urban population. Renovating such contexture through attracting tourists have great impact on both earning money and renewing social life. Tourist trails as efficient ways in attracting domestic and foreign tourists promote historical identity and social life of cities along with preserving valuable historical counters. Kerman's historical contexture with its numerous historical attractions is an example of such urban spaces. This study aimed to identify suitable zones to create tourist routes walk in historical contexture of Kerman. Accordingly, in the framework of descriptive- analytical method after determining the effective criteria, weighting them has been done according to tourism expert's ideas. Using AHP model and Arc Map10 software, the productive layers of each criteria based on specified weight were combined which its output is the quadruplet map of historical contexture to create a tourist walking route map. Based on the final map, it was found that the most suitable zone is in the central part of the texture. In this zone tourist attractions such as Grand Bazaar, Ganj-ali-khan complex, Ibrahim Khan Complex, Arg square, Grand Mosque and Imam Mosque are located in this area. By distancing from the center to the margins, the utility of lands is reduced. In addition, among the twelve research criteria, the criteria of proximity to a communications network with the weight (0.217) has the highest value and the criteria of the distance from parks with the weight (0.026) has the lowest coefficient of importance relative to other criteria are accounted for.


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