Investigation and Prioritization of Effective Environmental Characteristics on Choosing Habitancy Location (Case Study: Kahnooj City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Professor in Geography & Urban Planning, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 MSc Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran



Housing choice is an important issue for families because it affects the asset and the quality of family life. Among the factors that are involved in housing, the environmental factors are of utmost importance. In recognition of the effective environmental values on location choice, one can get acceptable comprehensive residential environment for families. Based on these environmental values the quality of residential environment and consequently, the quality of life for families would increase.Considering the importance of the issue, this study investigates and prioritizes the environmental characteristics that influence the hesitancy location in Kahnooj city. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the data is collected through questionnaire. Ten real estate agents of Kahnooj were selected by using snowball sampling method.  The fuzzy DEMATEL model is used for weighting, ranking and analyzing the indexes. The results showed that the distance from work and school index with having the highest weight has the most important factor for families in order to choose the hesitancy location. The flooding and the salt of the earth index, with the lowest weight is the least important for the choice of hesitancy location.


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