Evaluating the Role of Urban Space Quality in Desirability of Tourism Routs Axes (Case Study: The Entrance Axis of Bazaar of Kerman City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


PhD Graduate in Urban Planning, Lecturer in Department of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran



The Totality of Iranian Bazaar has importance as a tourist attraction.  therefore, considering entrance access is necessary to characterize and make this place memorable. The subject of this study is lack of determining interesting axes entrance of bazaar in Kerman city. The present study was undertaken to investigate proper entrance axes in the form of tourism routs to recognize qualitative criteria in the desirability of such urban spaces of the entry of Kerman bazaar. Sample routes were prioritized according to these criteria in order to choose entrance for Kerman bazaar. Analytic Fuzzy hierarchical method is used as analytical method in this research. Considering survey purpose and selected criteria of evaluated theoretical concepts, from three viewpoints; space- users, experts and direct space observation, selected options based on the structure of research method were analyzed. The case study shows according to evaluated criteria, Tamale axis involves the highest acceptability in qualitative criteria of tourism routs in the case of Kerman bazaar entrance. The results of this study shows qualitative criteria such as behavioral camp, security, harmony, safety, and quality of physical environment which are considered as the main component of urban space quality have a meaningful correlation with the level of social interaction and the presence of citizens in the areas of Kerman bazaar entrance.


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