The Tourism Impacts on Urban Development with the Approach of Improving the Quality of Life (Case Study: Gachsaran City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 M.A in Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran



The level of quality of life style in local society is connected with different phases of tourism life cycle model which is generally dependent upon the capacity of social toleration. During the first phases of development, positive changes will be formed but by proceeding when the toleration capacity or level of acceptable changes in the society gets on the threshold, negative changes resulted from tourism development will appear and gradually the destination residents` the quality of life will demonetize. Therefore, this study tries to examine the economic, social and cultural positive consequences and effects resulted from tourism development on urban development through improving the quality of life attitude in Gachsaran city by experts and suggests strategies along with the development of Gachsaran city. In order to get to the aim of the study descriptive-analytic method, measurement type was used. In order to collect the data and analyses the study data questionnaire and SPSS software were utilized. This study according to subject is case study and according to content is a practical study that will deal with determining and explaining independent and dependent variables. The study attitude is positivism and will prove by Pierson`s correlation test. Finally, after done analysis in this study, there is a significant relation between tourism enhancement and upgrading the quality of life. Furthermore, there is an important relation between tourism development and urban development.


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