Analyzing the Effects of Modern Urban Planning in Economic and Commercial Structure in Old Fabrics of City (Case Study: Old Fabric of Zanjan City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 MSc Student of Urban Engineering, Department of Urban Engineering, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran



Modern municipal engineering is a result of Industrial Revolution in west countries. Primary success of this model in respond for needs of Industry age turned it to dominate paradigm in field of municipal engineering. Therefore, it was considered and simulated by other countries. In addition, tracing and adaptation without contriving caused variety of problems in the cities of our country. Old tissues of city, as settlement spaces created based on traditional architecture were kinds of urban areas that stood against the modernism’s model in municipal engineering. One of these effects was the impact of modern municipal engineering in economic and commercial construction of old tissues. In this study, the effects of modern municipal engineering on economic and commercial construction of old tissues in Zanjan city were analyzed. This paper is descriptive and causal (ex- post facto), and library (documentary) and survey (field) methods were used to gather the required information. The results of this study is considered and specified in two positive and negative sections. Positive effects of modern municipal engineering in old tissues of Zanjan facilitated transportation of goods and services and provided the factors of functional changes in traditional market of the city, which is completely described. However, negative results of these effects unbalanced economic and commercial equilibrium and decreased the quality of economic and commercial spaces in old tissues.


Main Subjects

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