A Comparative Study of Iranian Metropolises in terms of Sustainable Development Indices

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor in Geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student of Political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 MSc Student, Geography Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 PhD student, Earth sciences Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran



Nowadays, cities, as the main place for offering and demanding of goods and services, are turned into focal points of stability. The purpose of this research is to study metropolises in Iran regarding their adaptation to sustainable development index and to conduct an adaptive investigation among them. The method of research is descriptive-analytic. Data of this research were gathered using library and documentary approaches such as yearbooks of statistical center and yearbooks of statistical of metropolis municipalities in Iran. In this investigation, 43 indexes in three environmental, financial, and skeletal sections have been used. In order to analyze the stability level of intended cities, Vikor, Electra, and Topsis model, and the Shanon Entropy model have been used to weight the indexes. The results of combining the three methods using Kaplan technique have shown that Tehran with 4 scores is in prior position, Ahvaz with 2 scores, Isfahan with 0 scores, Tabriz with -1 scores and Mashhad with -4 scores are in subsequent order respectively. Investigation of the set of the research criterion indicated that the involvement level of sustainable development criterion in each city is not homogeneous or invariable, and each city regarding some criteria has better condition compared to the others.


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