A Comparative Analysis of Access to Public Spaces and urban Function with a Sustainable Development Approach (Case Study: The Zone of 1 & 2 Kerman City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Bahonar University of Keman, Kerman, Iran

2 Assistant professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

3 MSc of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran



City is a physical-functional space to perform a variety of human activities and its environmental beauty ensures the peace of mind for citizens. Balanced spatial distribution of public places has been a significant major goal for city planners. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the proper accessibility of public places, old parts in region 1, and new parts in region 2 of Kerman comparatively, using sustainable development approach. This study used a descriptive-analytic method that its information was gathered through library and documentary studies and field concepts. Criterion of convenient accessibility to public spaces and urban landscape determines the quality of housing and urban landscape and region 1 and 2 were defined as study area; then, the data were analyzed by software Arc GIS 10.3. AHP model is also used to rank the districts in this study. The results show that districts of new parts (Sarjangaldari with 0.428 and Al-Ghadir with 2 0.304 points) are ranked in first and second, and districts of old parts of Kerman (Naserieh with 0.169 and Qale-Mahmoud with 0.084 points) are ranked in third and fourth position. Finally, according to the results, proper access to public spaces and urban landscape of new parts of Kerman have more desirable status than the old alternatives, and it is necessary to develop a proper planning to increase the desirability of the old parts.


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