Optimal Site Selection of Temporary Housing for Students after Possible Earthquake in Kerman (Case Study: Regions of 3 and 4)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 MSc Student of Risk Management, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran



Kerman is an area with tectonic quakes that has always faced devastating earthquakes. Kerman had experienced the critical situation for students in Bam caused by earthquake, which had 428 casualties of students that were housed in dormitories, as these buildings were not strong enough. After the earthquake, these losses of shelters have demoralized and dispersed the students; therefore, providing temporary shelters ensures security for students. This study aims to determine appropriate places for temporary housing of students after earthquake crisis in regions of 3 and 4 in Kerman. Methodology of the study is based on the nature of descriptive-analytic method and functional objective. In this study, temporary housing centers selection criterion for students were determined through two questionnaires. These questionnaires were given to experts of Red Crescent’s population settlement agency, crisis management, and university’s eminent professors. Then the criterion was weighted by “Expert Choice” software and different layers’ total weight were incorporated using GIS and overlapping model, to specify appropriate places for students’ temporary housing. The results showed that the distance from fault index, as its weight is 0.713, is the most significant factor in determining students’ temporary settlement centers. According to the final maps of the study, four appropriate places (3 locations in region 3; and 1 place in the region 4 of Kerman) were determined for students’ temporary housing.


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