Investigating the Status of the Four Regions of Kerman in Terms of Having Factors and Indexes of Resiliency

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistance Professor in Geography and Urban Planning, Maragheh University, Maragheh, Iran.

2 MSc of Geography and Urban Planning.


In recent years, the number of those who live in cities have exceeded than those living outside the cities. Today, the population centers are subject to the occurrence of disasters, which will result in the instability urban development. Nowadays the prevailing view of focusing on merely reducing vulnerability has changed to increasing resiliency against disasters. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the resiliency of the four regions of Kerman. Using stratified random sampling, 40 experts as the sample have been selected. To achieve this goal, a descriptive – analytical method based on analyzing questionnaires of the experts was used. In order to analyze the data techniques such as Entropy VICOR and SAR are used. The results of the statistical analysis show that among the indexes in four regions, the social index weighing 0.35 become relatively more important. Based on the results of the ranking techniques the regions are categorized as region 2, region 1, region 4 and region3. Generally, it can be said that region 2 of the city has a better status and region 3 has the worst status in terms of resiliency in facing disaster.


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