Locating Medical Centers of Sirjan Applying Ad-Hock Technique

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Bahonar University of Keman, Kerman, Iran

2 Ph.D Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM)

3 MSc of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research.


The growth of cities and disproportionate development influenced by social, economic and political factors. Providing services to citizens and their access to amenities are the most important priorities of urban planners and managers. Providing best services often means locating service centers. Clearly specifying the criteria affecting the location of these centers to determine the priority or weight of each criterion in the location -finding process is important. In order to locate medical centers in Sirjan the current study\ has applied eleven criteria namely: distance to current clinics, distance to roads, population density, and distance to sector centers and so on. First with using of Geographic Information System in ArcGIS software environment has been created raster layers and then with sub criteria weighting by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and (Ad-Hock) methods, it has been tried to raster overlapping. The criterion of population density and distance to existing health centers have the most points. The most points have been devoted to the population density criteria and distance to treatment centers. The results in context of site suitability and best sites for construction of new clinics maps show that 6.9 km2 of total area (48 km2) of Sirjan is suitable for construction of new clinics. Also with using of intersect function in ArcGIS it is found that there is not any effective and suitable correlation between population density and location of current clinics in Sirjan. Finally, with using of distance to Suitable Site Test it is recognized that current clinics have not constructed in suitable sites in Sirjan


Main Subjects

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