Identifying the Development of the Creative Potential of Deteriorated - Historical Context with an Emphasis on Tourism Promotion (Case Study: Arg Neighborhood, 1st District Kerman)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor: ShahidBahonar University of Kerman

2 M.A Student in Architecture, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.


Deteriorated areas are divided into two general categories: value and non- value. New urban renovation approaches try to rely on valuable heritage in deteriorated areas and incorporate economic and culture and regenerate sustainable historical sites through determining their roles in the spatial organization of the city. One of the proposed approaches in this field is tourism approach in urban planning. Today this approach as a new type of tourism is an important issue in the development and transformation in the world's cities. This article deals with the concept of creative development and various renovation attitudes and the identification of areas with potential tourist attraction in the field of creative development using SZCD model of identification the zones of creative development and AHP analytical model and Arc GIS in the selected range. Each of these factors extract criteria and indexes of structural-functional model, social-economic model and institutional –management model from the study area and its output is provided as a map containing zones that based on these criteria and indexes are the best zones for creative development and involvement in tourist attraction. The results of this study show that the structural-functional criteria with the value of   0/669 are more important than other criteria and the socio – economic criteria with the value of 0/243 are secondary. The institutional –management criteria with the value of 0/088 administrative entity has a poor performance in the criteria.


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