Investigation of Tourism Climate Calendar Using the CTIS (Case Study: City of Kerman)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 MA in Geography and Tourism Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

3 Ph.D Student of Geography and Urban Planning, PayamNoor University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Nowadays, tourism industry as a dynamic and comprehensive industry has been encompassing all basic element of communities and global systems. Climate as a geographical phenomenon has close and incredible relationship with tourism and its development purposes so that, many considered successful tourism destinations in the world have been indebted to favorable climate condition. Suitable climate can lead to tourist’s satisfaction. Tourists plan their trip according to weather conditions and plan their desired destination. The research has been carried out using climate data temperature, pressure of steam, relative moisture, wind speed, sunshine and clouding of synoptic station of Kerman in a statistical period of two decade (1994-2013) with RayMan software. In addition, climate calendar of Kerman was proposed according to CTIS (Climate and Tourism Information Scheme) and PET indicators. The results indicate that there is a high correlation between climate condition and tourism and leisure. In fact, a suitable climate in terms of thermal, physical, aesthetic could be a factor to attract tourists. The results that were presented as calendar time, shows that from 1th Ordibehesht to 11th Khordad and from 10th Shahrivar to 28th Mehr is the best time and from 10th Azar to 22th Bahman is the worst time for the tourists to visit Kerman.


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