Spatial Revision of Urban Green Space Using GIS (Case Study: District 7 of Tehran)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 MSc Student of Geography and Urban Planning,Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran


Green space, as an indicator of development of the society has dimensions of environmental, social, cultural, economic and physical. In order to play roles and functions well, the first and most important step is to determine suitable locations for it. The aim of this study is to improve the urban green space in district 7 of Tehran. For this purpose, the fuzzy AHP model was used. The methodology of the research is descriptive and analytical. In this study by assessing and evaluating factors for locating urban green space, maps were designed and statistical layers were created for each criterion in GIS and a total of 10 criteria were used. Then in order to model making, to each of the statistical layers based on AHP was assigned an appropriate weight. Finally, the maps have been synthesized and final map was created. by placing the current layer of parks based of spatial efficiency, green space layout was determined and the results showed that none of the parks in the district 7 are highly desirable areas almost half of current parks in the district are located in inappropriate zones 43% and 34% are located in average zones and 23% are located in favorable zones. As nearly half of the existing parks are located in unfavorable zones, it can be explained that in terms of compatible land use planning, the location of green space has been ignored.


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