Assessing and Monitoring of the Development of the Cities of Isfahan Province in Terms of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 M.S.c in Geography & Urban Planning, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Geography & Urban Planning,Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


ICT as a "new technology" developed rapidly and by overcoming the limitations of time and space, it will be remembered as a pivotal development. As it is a public technology, it has a fundamental difference with other technologies. What can be inefficient is the unequal distribution concepts in areas which researchers refer to as the digital gap. This study aimed to "monitor and assess the development of Isfahan province in terms of technology, information and communication" The type of research is applicational - developmental and the method of its study is descriptive-analytical. In order to rank classification and the differences between cities, TOPSIS algorithm and dispersion coefficient Pearson are used. The results of this research shows that totally, the cities of Isfahan province with the level of development of information and communication technology have distance to the developing factors. The city of Isfahan has the first degree of ICT developing to the city of Chad-e-gan as the last degree. Isfahan is three times more developed than Chad-e-gan. This means that the development of cities in the ICT sector have a direct link to their populations. The cities with more population are more development in the field of information and communication technologies. The importance of the independent variables in determining the extent of inequality of cities in  Isfahan province shows that the urbanization rate has the greatest impact and the physical index has the least impact on the inequality in the cities of Isfahan province. In the end, some strategies have been recommended for reducing the digital gap between cities that requires managers and urban planner's serious attention.


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