The Role of Ecological Destinations in Sustainable Tourism Development (Case Study: Hanza Region, Rabor Town)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 MA in Geography and Tourism Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Ecological destinations are one of the manifestations of tourists interests to regions with the aim of spending their leisure time with nature are often set up in different areas. This study is conducted with the aim to investigate the role of ecological destinations in the development of sustainable tourism of Hanza region. This is a practical study and the method used is descriptive- analytical. The target population consist of people living in Hanza (four towns and villages with the population of 897 households). A total of 270 questionnaires (household) using Cochran formula were chosen as samples .The Cronbach's alpha was calculated for 0.87 reliability questionnaire. The Data collected in GIS software and SPSS were analyzed using single sample T- test, F (ANOVA) and Waller-Duncan Test. The results indicated that setting up the ecological destinations have effects on economical, social, environmental and physical consequences. The positive effects of ecological destinations in the study area (with mean 3.13) is moderate and between the areas studied , in terms of ecological destinations effects (except economically) there were significant differences in the 0.95 reliability. The negative effects of ecological destinations in the study area are higher than moderate (with mean 4.3) and among the areas studied in terms of the  ecological impacts of the destinations there is a significant difference in the 0.95 reliability.


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