Assessing the impact of debris on the performance of communication networks in potential Earthquakes (Case Study: Mashhad Samen Area)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Management, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Economics, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.

3 MAc of Disaster Management, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.


Mashhad is in a high risk of earthquakes due to the number of active faults around and inside it. Therefore, the damage to infrastructures, especially roads and highways network, could adversely affect the access to disaster affected areas. This study analyzed the communication networks vulnerabilities and potential damages to the streets and blocking roads in the area due to the collapse of buildings after earthquakes. This study was conducted mathematical modeling techniques and survey method. The critical areas with the degree of closeness to high degree of risk have been selected by calculating the indicators such as maximum of buildings height and minimum of street width were determined using ArcGIS software. Mathematical modeling techniques and the degree of network compatibility indicates that 58.2% of the networks in case of destruction of the buildings are totally inappropriate. Regarding to non-compliance with building height and road width, 46.27% of them will be in a dangerous situation. The results of GIS shows that by calculating this indicator most of the routes will be closed at the time of casualty and the transportation network might not be able to play a positive and effective role in immediate relief and reduce damage if disasters such as earthquakes occur in the area.


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