The Evaluation of Intermediary Cities Performances in Regional Balance (Case Study: Jahrom City- Fars Province)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

2 MA in Geography, Islamic Azad University of Najaf Abad, Najaf Abad, Iran.


Today, in constructing cities and determining their geographical extremities concerns are made to the balance of city and region, to city and village interactions, to spatial balance and to the balance of human and environment. Since the villages are scattered and subtle and there is no functional connection between urban and rural areas, the creation and overgrowth of urban areas with long geographic extremities in the regions of the country, will lead to the balance annihilation. Based on their abilities, the intermediary cities can be connecting links between the big cities and the small towns. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to examine the impact of the intermediary city of Jahrom on the regional balance. The method used is descriptive- analytical. The overall results indicate that the city of Jahrom has been considered by southern Fars province because of its appropriate infrastructure in economic sectors. The extensive services such as health- care , communication, trade , monetary and banking , security - military , higher education, and etc, has made this city to play a significant role in supplying the needs of the Southern and Eastern districts of Fars province, and to provide some of the needs of the neighboring provinces, including parts of Hormozgan province


Main Subjects

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