Analysing and Assessing the Role of Municipality in Empowering the Suburbs of the City (Case Study: Gorgan City)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning. Golestan University. Gorgan, Iran.

2 M.S.c in Geography & Urban Planning, Golestan University. Gorgan, Iran

3 M.S.c. of Geography and Rural Planning, Golestan University. Gorgan, Iran.


The rapid growth of urbanization in developing countries increases urban poverty and this growing phenomenon has created many problems for these countries. Thus, by having the facilities and welfare – service infrastructure, the cities draw the unemployed population of the rural areas. Since the unemployed people lack particular job skills, would draw to false employment and due to low income settle down in the suburbs. I need, the wealthy island surrounded by a black belt of deprivation and misery with the name of suburb is created. The purpose of this study is to explain the role of municipalities in empowering the suburbans of the city of Gorgan. Therefore, descriptive - analytical and field studies have been used. The target population in this study include residents of "Islamabad", Ghaleah Hassan", "Afsaran district" and contour "Avzyneh" and "Kashani".using Cochran method, 276 samples were selected. The Chi-square test results showed that the access to welfare services and urban infrastructure are very few for the suburbans. Moreover, the obtained results of the regression coefficient represents that the relationship between employment and economic status of families with Beta coefficient is equal to 0.307 in suburbs of the city of Gorgan. Finally, strategies to empower the suburbans of the city of Gorgan is provided.


Main Subjects

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