Strategic Planning for Tourism Development in Urmia

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor, University of Urmia

2 Associate Professor, University of Urmia

3 Msc Student of Geograghy & Urban planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Available potentials and strengths of any area can affect its development directions.  One of the prominent steps and factors for regional development is economic development. On the other hand, the strategic and major role of tourism and its impact on regional development will have positive consequences on income production and capital attraction. Urmia County is one of the most important touristic areas in Iran. Every year this area hosts a large number of foreign and domestic tourists. But it has failed to achieve its actual position in attracting tourists. The method in the present study is descriptive-analytical, using the strategic planning process to identify solutions and applicable strategies for tourism development. In the process of examining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and capabilities of tourism situation in Urmia, the results show that the first priority strategy is conservative and second is aggressive. The conservative strategy (WO2) with a score of 8.49  is considered as the best strategy for tourism development and special attention should  be paid  to it, and to strengthening management and marketing of tourism in  the county to introduce tourism potential in a better way for attracting more tourists; aggressive strategy (SO2) with a score of 8.35 is also the most  important strategy after conservative strategy to achieve the sustainable development of tourism in Urmia county. In order to achieve established tourism development in Urmia, developmental strategy in model tourism areas, especially  areas with natural attractions is suggested.


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