Residents Satisfaction Assessment of Living Environment Quality in Kerman City (Case Study: Mehr Housing Project of Mehregan Town)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM)

2 Ph.D Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM)


In the present era, the repaid urban developments and its physical development have led to different crises for the urban life such as lack of house. Accordingly, regarding the difficulties related to the lack of house and high prices of the houses in our country, a project known as Mehr Housing is now considered as the most pivotal policy in this field in Iran. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to assess resident's satisfaction regarding Mehr Housing Complexes in Mehragan town at Kerman town according to the research indicator. The research methodology is descriptive-analytical and its purpose is to be applicable. According to the research subject and the region under study, the survey study was selected for data gathering. Sampling was done through systematic random method and data were gathered through questionnaires. The statistic population includes the entire people residing Mehregan and the statistic sample adopted from the Cochran Questionnaire is equal to 278 questionnaires. The data analysis was done through SPSS 21 software. Research results, represented in Spearman Correlation Test, showed that there is a positive significant relationship between age and satisfaction of residential complex, and, on the other hand, there are negative significant relationships between educational degrees and monthly income with the satisfaction of residential complexes. The factors extracted from single-sample t-test model include six effective factors: social security, vision and perspective, architectonics, access, environmental factors, and facilities; linier regression model was used then, in the last step. Finally the architectonics factor was identified as the most effective (coefficient=0.419) and will be the most effective factor on residents satisfaction about residential environment quality at Mehregan town in the future.


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