Analysis of Interactive Challenges of Beautification Organization with Subsidiary Offices in the Municipalities of Tehran Zones, and Presenting Management Strategies

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Geography, Tehran University

2 Assistant Professor of Geography Department, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

3 Msc Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Tehran University


One of the controversial issues in the pathology of the structure of the Beautification Organization is the challenges between the organization and the subsidiary offices of areas municipalities. It has been challenging in recent years to such an extent that sometimes the disputes related to the process of planning and development functions have been disrupted. There is a very diverse range of contentious disputes related to planning and implementation. Problem finding of these challenges, recognizing their causes and roots, understanding the implications of these challenges and providing management strategies for overcoming them are the concerns of Beautification Organization. Based on a descriptive-analytical method, and through collecting documentary information and taking notes, and using questionnaires and interviews, this study tries to achieve the same goals. Data analysis is carried on through descriptive statistics and content analysis methods. The findings indicate that the most challenging issues between the Beautification Organization and the subsidiary offices of areas municipalities in Tehran is related to the weakness of processes and organizational structures. The causes of these problems are: lack of organizational coordination and control, organizational structure and corporate communications, as well as the conflict between the holistic and disperse management and administration in Tehran Municipality. Since this cannot be performed without the participation of Tehran Municipality and its subsidiary organizations such as the Beautification Organization, solving these bilateral challenges requires the application of strategies and implementation of mechanisms including the optimal model of urban management.


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