The Application of Fuzzy Model in Land Assessment and Zoning for the Physical Development of Kerman, based on Natural Factors

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor, Kharazmi University of Tehran

2 Ph.D Candidate of Climatology

3 MSc in Geomorphology

4 PhD candidate of Geomorphology


Tendency to urbanization and rapid increase in population in urban areas, has led to the physical development of cities. Considering that natural phenomena have significant influence on physical development of urban areas, dynamics study of natural environment and land properties can prevent irreparable damages created as a result of urban disorderly physical development. This study tries, through identifying and evaluating the influencing factors, to determine optimized and strategic directions of physical development of Kerman in the future. For this purpose factors such as the slope, height, land use, danger of earthquake, soil, distance of road, distance from city, distance of village, and layers of temperature and precipitation were used. Each of the factors were summed based on fuzzy functions and multiplication functions and different amounts of fuzzy gamma (0.9, 0.7, and 0.5) were applied to them. Finally, in order to select the optimized fuzzy gamma, according to field survey and reconditioning area, and also by satellite image employment, it was specified that gamma 0.9 is appropriate. The final map was classified into five classes of very much, much, moderate, low, very low. Results showed that the “very much” proportion zones in northeastern of Kerman are the best areas and other areas in the south, west, and northwest  form other appropriate areas for urban development.


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