Analysis of New Urban Development Using Modern Program Patterns of Urban Planning (Case Study: Khavaran Town of Tabriz)

Document Type : Research Article (Applied - Development)


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

2 MSc of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.


Urbanization in Iran is increasing ­ from 40s onward, which leads to the creation of ­ Urban plans (comprehensive and detailed) to regulate urban development Due to the fact that they have a purely physical attitude towards cities, such designs are socially, economically, technically and organizationally inadequate. They have not been effective in developing balanced and proportionate cities, often due to being long-term and lack of flexibility have not been able to live up to its dynamism to achieve their goals. The necessity of this is the use of modern urban development models that have been used in European and American countries in the late 20th century, they also show more success than the current plans and brought about spiritless modernity cities toward life which has human scales It has a human scale, and life and vitality are evident in these cities. Hence, we must adopt new patterns as an alternative plan that are more based on the consideration of human principles and standards and resilience. That is more on the small (local) scale with a short time span. The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the development plan of Khavaran city using theoretical foundations of modern urban development models such as TND, TOD, Smart growth, programmed units etc. This research is functional in terms of purpose and in terms of the nature and method of the research is descriptive - analytical. The study area of this research is Khavaran Town, a newly designed town in Tabriz city. For data gathering, both documentary and field methods were used; also Arc GIS software has been used to prepare maps. Analyses have been performed based on maps of the area and the report of Khavaran Town Review Project. The results of the research show ­that, despite the development and expansion of theoretical literature of the new program patterns of urban planning in Iran, these principles have been specially considered generally in the design of the country and especially Khavaran town of Tabriz.


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